Preferred Method of Payment: Pay with a credit card or enter your checking or savings account/routing number in the form below.
Preferred Method of Payment: Pay with a credit card or enter your checking or savings account/routing number in the form below.
Directions to Canyonview
From I-205
Take the 213 exit (#10 Park Place, Molalla) and follow the highway straight into Silverton. 213 becomes Oak St. Go to the 2nd stop sign. Turn Left at the Palace theater. Go 1 block. Turn Right on Main St. Go 3 miles out of town.
Turn Left onto Finlay Rd.
Go 3/4 mile. The entrance is on the right.
Directions from I-5 Portland
Take the Woodburn exit, follow the signs to Silverton. At the edge of town you will pass a Roth's IGA on the left. Turn Right at 'C' St. 'C' St turns into Westfield at the corner of the TNT. Follow it to Main St (Cascade Hwy). Turn Right. Go 3 miles. Turn Left onto Finlay Rd. Go 3/4 mile. Entrance is on the right.
Directions from I-5 South of Salem
Take the Kuebler exit (251) Turn Right. Follow Keubler (becomes Cordon at the Lancaster crossing) to Sunnyview. Turn Right. Go to Howell-Prairie. Turn Left. Go to Kaufman. Turn Right. Go to Cascade Highway. Turn Left. Go 100 yards. Turn Right at the bottom of the hill onto Finlay. Go 3/4 mile. The entrance is on the right.