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Preferred Method of Payment: Pay with a credit card or enter your checking or savings account/routing number in the form below.

February 23-25, 2024
Retreat Agenda
Hosted by Light The Way Ministries and The Dwelling Place.
The 2024 Silverton Prayer Retreat is to provide an opportunity to those in the area who want to spend a weekend in prayer. We will provide directed subjects about which to pray and specific times for both corporate and individual prayer. There will be times of teaching about prayer as well. The focus will be allowing the Holy Spirit to guide us into what to pray, when to pray, and how to pray.
(Bi-Lingual translation available during sessions)
Gene Short
Oral Martinez
Adriana Rodriguez
Adriel Delson
Steve Noble
Danna-Rose Smith
Ruby McBride
Worship Teams:
Dave & Lynne Rice
Marsha Cramer
Gina Ruef
Dave & Laura Erickson
The Prayer Retreat check-in will begin on Friday at 8-9am. The first session will begin at 10am.
Breakfast 8:00
Opening Corporate Prayer 9:00
Worship 9:30
Teaching Session with Steve Noble 10:30
Lunch 12:00
Worship 1:00
Teaching Session with Danna-Rose Smith
Corporate Prayer with Dave Rice
Dinner 5:00
Worship 6:00
Teaching Session with Oral Martinez 7:00
Breakfast 8:00
Opening Corporate Prayer with Gene Short 9:00
Worship 9:30
Teaching Session with Adriana Rodriguez 10:30
Lunch 12:00
Worship 1:00
Corporate Prayer with Ethel Martinez
Teaching Session with Ruby McBride
Dinner 5:00
Worship 6:00
Teaching Session with Adriel Delson 7:00
Breakfast 8:00
Opening Corporate Prayer with Janet Short 9:00
Worship 9:30
Teaching Session with Oral Martinez 10:30
Lunch 12:00
Worship 1:00
Teaching Session with Gene Short
Pack up and leave by 3:00
Cabins with twelve beds each for families or male and female dorms. You will need to bring your own sleeping bags, bedding and personal items. RV’s are welcome. For those who prefer to stay in a motel or bed & breakfast, we can provide a list of lodgings available in the surrounding area. Please call or e-mail for further information.
$75 per night (includes meals and lodging)
Commuter $45 per day (includes meals)