Preferred Method of Payment: Pay with a credit card or enter your checking or savings account/routing number in the form below.
Preferred Method of Payment: Pay with a credit card or enter your checking or savings account/routing number in the form below.

Welcome to Canyonview Camp Conference and Retreat Center in Silverton, Oregon. Since 1966, Canyonview has extended our hospitality to Christian youth groups, men’s groups, women’s retreats, and other educational conferences and outdoor schools. Our guests have come from Salem, Portland, Eugene, and many other cities in the Willamette Valley and southern Washington. There will be great times for groups of 25 to 100.

Give your group a retreat in the quiet of Drift Creek Canyon near Silverton, Oregon’s Garden city. This Salem Area Retreat Center has a full size gymnasium to keep you dry and warm in the wet weather, and 87 acres of God’s beautiful creation in which to stretch out during the dry times. Your group will have access to 2 lakes, sports and activity fields, an outdoor amphitheater with fire pit, over 2 miles of trails, and the 350 foot zip-line.
At this time Canyonview does not accommodate personal retreats.

​Rest & Relaxation
Enjoy our 87 acres of pristine nature and beauty as you fellowship with your group. Outside fire pits and creekside cabins will help in your journey of true "retreating."

Lodging & Cabins​
We have a variety of 8-10 cabins that are available for our guests that are nestled into our 87 acres of trees. Alder House also provides 4 hotel style rooms for guests with 2 beds and bathroom.

Gym & Rec. Room
Open all year round for all types of activities, from basketball, carpet-ball & foosball! This facility has served as a place for worship, memorial services, concerts, banquets, indoor games and activities.
Airsoft, Zip-line, trail hiking, low-ropes challenge course, giant swing and fishing are some of the many activities you can choose to incorporate in your Retreat or Conference. Not all activities are available year round. Ask about pricing and availability for your specific retreat or group.