Preferred Method of Payment: Pay with a credit card or enter your checking or savings account/routing number in the form below.
Preferred Method of Payment: Pay with a credit card or enter your checking or savings account/routing number in the form below.
Family Work Day
Saturday May 18, 2024
Price: FREE, but please register for meals.
We will be serving breakfast and lunch.
Check-In & Check-Out: Camp will begin Saturday @ 7:30 AM with check-in near the main office. Your day will conclude at 5 PM.
Please register to let us know how many people are coming to lunch.
Camp Description: This will be a Saturday to remember! We will be doing projects to revitalize camp all Saturday. What a wonderful time to serve the Lord in partnership with Canyonview, while spending time with family, reading God's word, and enjoying God's creation.

Families are encouraged to bring their own gloves and work tools/supplies (limited supply at camp).
Optional tools to help work:
(please make sure to label your things before coming)
Working gloves
Leaf Blower
Weed Wacker
Chainsaw (w/ eye and ear protection)
Wheel Barrow
Measuring Tape
Painting Supplies
Carpentry Tools