Preferred Method of Payment: Pay with a credit card or enter your checking or savings account/routing number in the form below.
Preferred Method of Payment: Pay with a credit card or enter your checking or savings account/routing number in the form below.
Live, play, and work in the great outdoors.
Go on active adventures.
Experience the Northwest.
Make new lifelong friends from all over.
Become a child's hero.
Learn leadership skills.
Bank more money than you think — with few expenses.
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​Q: Can I volunteer this summer at Canyonview?
A: Yes. We always need more volunteers. Just fill out the application. We will do a background check before you begin working with kids.
​Q: How much do I get paid?
A: ​​​Weekly Salary paid twice monthly + Room and Board (food & housing)
​ See our open positions page for specific salary information
Q: What is the schedule?
A: Though there is some flexibility, we are looking for those who can commit to the whole summer
Outdoor School Staff Training: March 26-28
Day Camp & Ranch Staff Training: June 9-13
T.I.M. & Ranch Hand Training: June 13-14
Outdoor School: March 31 - June 6
Camps: June 16 - August 27
​Q: I am married. Can I still be a counselor or staff member?
​A: Yes. Ask more about how you can get involved as a couple!