Preferred Method of Payment: Pay with a credit card or enter your checking or savings account/routing number in the form below.
Preferred Method of Payment: Pay with a credit card or enter your checking or savings account/routing number in the form below.
Fellowship Rides
These lessons are given by our caring certified instructors. In that we are a Christian equestrian facility, we aim to provide a safe program for kids and adults to grow in their horsemanship and in their knowledge of God. As a part of our lessons, we share scripture parallels of our walk with God to what the riders are learning in the riding class.
$300 Session ($60 per lesson/5 lessons)
Age Range: 8-Adult
October 18 - November 17, 2022
Tuesdays or Thursdays (1.5 hours)
Bible Study from 3:30-4:00pm ALL are welcome!
Airsoft Game Days
Saturday December 10, 2022 , January 28, March 25, 2023
10am - 2pm
Age Range: 10-18
Price: $49/day
Whether you're just getting into Airsoft, or have lots of experience, this Saturday Game Day is for you. Bring a friend!
We'll have a great day playing together, and we'll spend time learning about tactics, equipment, and maintenance.
Please bring a sack lunch and a full water bottle. Food is not provided.