Preferred Method of Payment: Pay with a credit card or enter your checking or savings account/routing number in the form below.
Preferred Method of Payment: Pay with a credit card or enter your checking or savings account/routing number in the form below.
Horsemanship Weekend
Dates: December 8-10, 2023
Price: $190 per person
Ages: 8-Adult (Girls)
Maximum of 20 people so sign up soon!
This is the first time in a long while that we are doing a winter camp. We are happy to bring back both Mother/Daughter Camp and a Christmas feeling at the ranch. This will be a fun and fantastic way to spend a weekend with your daughter(s).There will be riding and Bible time as well as fun and exciting activities. Enjoy experiencing God through His creation and creating new memories that will last a lifetime.
This winter's theme will be a Renaissance Christmas. We will be studying the armor of God. This year we will be having a themed dinner so bring a renaissance costume if you'd like to dress up.

Packing List
Clothes for the season (Bring layers because it could be cold)​​
Riding Boots (some available to borrow)
Helmet (some available to borrow)
Check-In: Check-In will begin at 5:30 PM on Friday followed by dinner served at 6:15. Please let us know if you will be more than 15 minutes early or late. (Realize that we may not be able to accommodate you if you arrive early.)
Check-Out: Camp will conclude at 1:00 PM on Sunday. Our Trading Post will be open on Sunday if you would like to purchase camp merchandise.
​Because of the limitations of the horses we have at this time, all riders need to weigh less than 220 pounds (call our Office if you are over this weight limit as soon as possible).

Important Payment Information: There is a $10 late fee applied to balances not paid in full one week before camp begins. Please pay through our online registration system or call our office to make a payment. We accept Visa or MasterCard, so feel free to call in your payment. If you need to cancel for some reason, please let us know as soon as possible. Remember, however, the $25 deposit per person is non-refundable.
Office Hours: 8:00am-5:00pm Monday-Friday
Email: info@canyonview.us
Phone: 971-239-1347
All individuals must be registered online before attending. NO walk-in registration.