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Preferred Method of Payment: Pay with a credit card or enter your checking or savings account/routing number in the form below.
Spring Events Coming 2024
Family Work Weekend
May 18, 2024
This will be a Saturday to remember! We will be doing projects to revitalize camp all. Families are encouraged to bring their own gloves and work tools/supplies (limited supply at camp). What a wonderful time to serve the Lord in partnership with Canyonview, while spending time with family, reading God's word, and enjoying God's creation.
Breakfast ad Lunch are included!
​Cost: Free with registration
Begins: 7:30 AM Saturday morning
Ends: 5:00 PM Saturday evening
T.I.M. Retreat
March 8th-10th 2024
Come hangout with friends and bring new friends with you. This is a Teens In Ministry (TIM) Reunion and an opportunity to introduce potential teens to our ministry through games, adventures, Bible teaching and simply time to just hang out. Activities include: Game Show Night, Root Beer Floats, Hangout time, Lip sync Battle, Worship, and time in the WORD. All activities are closely supervised by trained professionals.
Cost: $40/per person
Start Time: 6:00pm on Friday • End Time: 11:00am on Sunday
Age Range: 13-17
Gender: Boys & Girls (separate sleeping quarters for boys and girls)

Daddy Daughter Date Night
February 10, 2024
This is one date you don’t want to miss! You might even make it a double date with your daughter’s best friend and her dad. A great opportunity to make memories and cement your lifetime connection. Enjoy a beautiful meal, the gift of a rose, crafts, picture opportunity, a special dance and finish your evening with Chocolate Fountain Desserts.
Cost: $35/per person
Start Time: 5:00 pm on Saturday evening • End Time: 8:30 pm on Saturday evening
Age Range: Dads & Daughters of all ages welcome!
Gender: Dads & Daughters
Father & Son Retreat
March 22nd-24th 2024
For fathers and sons both young and old! Father & Son Retreat provides a relaxed atmosphere for fathers to bond with their sons. It also offers activities ranging from archery, to air soft, to zip lining, & more! Join us as we eat some great food, dive deeper into God's word, and make memories that will last a lifetime!
Cost: $115/Person
Start Time: Friday 5 PM • End Time: 1 pm on Sunday afternoon
Age Range: 7-Adult (children 8–16 must be accompanied by an adult)

Fellowship Rides
Afternoon/Evening Riding Lessons with a Bible study.
These lessons are given by our caring certified instructors. In that we are a Christian equestrian facility, we aim to provide a safe program for kids and adults to grow in their horsemanship and in their knowledge of God. As a part of our lessons, we do share scripture parallels of our walk with God to what the riders are learning in the riding class.
​Cost: TBA